Though we can often rely on the news to sensationalize information, the initial information supplied regarding this event is grim. Pictures shown through the Internet news sources, blogs and by television news say plenty to this observer. One report explained that “all the roads are currently blocked.” (Reuters) Others report clouds of dust and masses of people in chaos. Estimates of the dead number in the thousands. The pictures I’ve seen and the word stories I’ve read conjure up vivid knowledge of the tragedies that have happened. Haiti needs our prayers.
The directly affected area includes that of Bishop Stenio Capre’s home. To the best of my knowledge, Bishop Capre and various key members of our ministry were in Port-au-Prince at the time of the quake.
Unfortunately, I have been completely unable to reach anyone I know in Haiti since yesterday’s earthquake. That is, apparently, a common story and it is being covered by various news sources. Hopefully, the telecomm groups will be able to rebuild their communication links quickly. I am eager to speak with Bishop Capre and relay his status information to his ministry partners.
Furthermore, I am eager to establish the whereabouts and condition of my wife. She was coming back to Port-au-Prince from a missions trip in the northern mountains yesterday. My initial inclination is to believe that she was safe because of the location she was coming from.
Please pray for the rescue efforts, the rebuilding, the grieving, the ministering and that our communications will be restored quickly.
Those wishing to send support for disaster relief may do so by mailing a check or money order to:
Harvest of Haiti
PO Box 495
Cottage Grove, MN 55016-0495
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