House of Prayer
at the Abraham Farm Co-Op Blessing
Pastor Clareface ministries Blessings

Harvest of Haiti
Church Building
Harvest of Haiti has over 300 Churches throught the island of Haiti.
Evangelism is one of the tools to reach the hungry, needy and decieved Haitians.
The heart of the Ministry is centered around education and the people will live and prosper once they are able to provide for themselves.
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With Jesus Christ our Savior as head of the Church and a network of educated Pastors, Deacons and Teachers, the Church grows and prospers.
Harvest of Haiti has Orphanages to take care of the children that have been less fortunate.
Harvest of Haiti broadcasts the message of Jesus Christ all across the island of Haiti.
Prayer Center
The heart of any Work of God is centered around prayer, God and the needs of the Body of Christ, 24/7.
Health Care
Harvest of Haiti knows the hardships of living in a third world country.HOH has cared for the needs of thousands of Haitian people inside and outside the Church.
Home Business
Teach a person to care for themselves and they will be a wealth of blessing to their family and those around them.
The heart of Harvest of Haiti is the word of God and bringing that to the people renews the heart of the nation.
Much of the island is desert and mountainous. The island gets little rain and when it does the run off causes flash flooding.
Most of the transportation is done by truck with many people in and on the back. The roads are for the most part unimproved with large pot holes.
Making a Difference One Life at a Time
Building the Church
Teach a Child
Create Business
HOH Mission
Sponsor a Child the Heartbeat of the Nation

at Bishop Stenio Caprie’s House
Petionville Haiti
Your Support Makes a Difference
Seeing is Believing – Video Collection
Is the back bone of new beginnings and the future stability which one can not get enough of. Each Church is required to have a school connected to it when the Church is over 25 members. Your support provides paper, pencils, books and helps support the lives of the teachers.
Video list here
Missions – Changing Lives in Haiti

Leadership in Action
Bishop Stenio Caprie leading praise & worship